
All scholars conducting research in different fields of religious education at universities, teachers‘ colleges, theological academies or similar institutions can become members of the AKRK. Furthermore, colleagues who are researching topics in religious education while working in related practical fields, or who are financing their doctoral thesis or habilitation with a scholarship are also eligible to become members. Applications for membership are to be directed to the executive committee, which decides on the admission of new members.

Currently, membership fees amount to the following sums:

  • 35€ p.a. for professors holding a chair (W3/C4)
  • 25€ p.a. for professors (W2/C3), academic staff with permanent contracts etc.
  • 15€ p.a. for (research) assistants, lecturers and researchers on scholarships or without academic positions

The executive committee may decide on the fees for individual cases correspondingly.

Applications for membership are to be directed to the treasurer.